Hi! My name is Etan Markus, I'm a professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences. I'm a "Behavioral Neuroscientist", meaning that I'm interested in the brain basis of behavior. More specifically, I'm fascinated by the process in which we turn experiences into long term memories.
We live in exciting times with new insights into how our brain works being uncovered almost daily! I love to share my knowledge with future scientists and medical professionals.
My teaching and mentorship has been recognized...
Awards: Recipient of the 2020 NorthEast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience award for "Excellence in Scholarship and Mentorship"; 2016 AAUP "Teaching Excellence Career Award"; 2016 CLAS "Excellence in Teaching Award"; 2016 UCONN Office of Undergraduate Research "Faculty Mentorship Excellence Award"; UCONN National Honors Society in Psychology (Psi Chi) 2001 award for “Outstanding Advising in Psychology”